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Fitbit Charge 5 進階健身與健康追蹤器,內建 GPS、壓力管理工具、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等等,黑色/石墨,單一尺寸(含 S 號和 L 號手環)

4.0 4.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 31,788 個評分

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作業系統 Android、Ios
記憶體儲存容量 6400 MB
特殊功能 GPS、壓力追蹤、心率監測器、睡眠監測器、心電圖、距離追蹤器、觸控螢幕、卡路里追蹤器、每日鍛煉記憶
連線技術 GPS
無線通訊標準 Bluetooth
電池組成 Lithium Ion
螢幕尺寸 1.04 Inches
品牌 Fitbit


  • 透過每日讀取分數,透露您是否準備好運動或應該專注於恢復來優化您的日常鍛煉(需要Fitbit Premium 會員資格)
  • 取得每日壓力管理分數,顯示您身體對壓力的反應,並透過手腕上 EDA 感應器的正念活動採取步驟改善。
  • 使用健康指標儀表板,可追蹤 SpO2 血氧飽和度、心率變化、皮膚溫度變化等(非用於診斷或治療任何醫療狀況,不應被用於任何醫療用途。 它的目的是提供有助於您管理健康的資訊)
  • 在戶外活動期間使用內建 GPS 查看您的即時步速和距離,然後在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看健身路線地圖
  • 包括 6 個月的 Premium 會員資格,包含個人化見解、進階分析、引導計畫等(僅限新使用者和重回 Premium 的使用者, 需要有效的付款方式。 內容和功能可能會變更)
  • 您的統計數據都可在這款新的彩色觸控螢幕上更生動顯示,它在白天比 Charge 4 更亮兩倍,電池使用可長達 7 天的(因使用和其他因素而異)。
  • 使用 24/7 心率追蹤和活動時間區段來追蹤卡路里燃燒並優化鍛煉,引導您達到您想要的強度水準。


此商品: Fitbit Charge 5 進階健身與健康追蹤器,內建 GPS、壓力管理工具、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等等,黑色/石墨,單一尺寸(含 S 號和 L 號手環)
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
庫存僅剩 3 - 快下單。
由 Deal B 出售,並由 Amazon 完成發貨。
US$8.95 (US$1.70/Foot)
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
由 Weis & Mays 出售,並由 Amazon 完成發貨。
總價: $00



2" / 3 公分

Top Brand: Fitbit

Highly Rated
100K+ customers rate items from this brand highly
100K+ orders for this brand in past 3 months
Low Returns
Customers usually keep items from this brand


Fitbit Charge 5
Fitbit Charge 5
Fitbit Charge 5 Features
Fitbit Charge 5

Fitbit Collection

Fitbit Charge 5

Charge 5

Fitbit Sense


Fitbit Versa 3

Versa 3

Fitbit Versa 2

Versa 2

Fitbit Inspire 2


Fitbit Charge 4

Charge 4

Fitbit Inspire 2

Inspire 2

4.1 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.3 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.3 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.5 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.3 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.3 顆星,最高 5 顆星
4.4 顆星,最高 5 顆星
US$194.99 US$134.99
Battery life (in days)
Up to 7 6+ 6+ 6+ Up to 5 7 Up to 10
Water resistance
50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m 50m
Tracks activity & sleep
24/7 heart rate & AZM
Text, call & app notifications
Play music
Hundreds of apps & clock faces
Alexa & Google Assistant
No Yes Yes Alexa Built-in No No No
Built-in GPS
Heart rhythm assessment w/ ECG
Stress management & EDA sensor
Daily Readiness Score


Fitbit Charge 5 進階健身與健康追蹤器,內建 GPS、壓力管理工具、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等等,黑色/石墨,單一尺寸(含 S 號和 L 號手環)
Fitbit Charge 5 進階健身與健康追蹤器,內建 GPS、壓力管理工具、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等等,黑色/石墨,單一尺寸(含 S 號和 L 號手環)
Fitbit Inspire 3 健康與健身追蹤器,具有壓力管理、鍛煉強度、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等,午夜禪/黑色單一尺寸(含 S 和 L 錶帶)
Fitbit Sense 進階 智慧型手錶,附心臟健康偵測、壓力管理偵測和皮膚溫度趨勢偵測功能,單一尺寸 (含 S 和 L 錶帶)
Apple Watch SE (第二代) [GPS 40 公釐] 智慧型手錶,附午夜鋁質錶殼,附午夜運動錶帶 S/M。 健身和睡眠追蹤器,碰撞偵測,心率監測器,Retina 顯示器
Getino 相容於 Fitbit Charge 5 手環/Charge 6 手環,男女適用,柔軟透氣替換運動錶帶可調節腕帶,適用於 Fitbit Charge 5/Charge 6 高級健身追蹤器,黑色
Fitbit Inspire 3 健身追蹤器 – 進階健康見解,含壓力管理、鍛煉強度和睡眠追蹤,全天候心率,包括小型和大型經典錶帶 - 淡紫色幸福/黑色
價格US$148.90US$98.00-22% US$194.99
-24% US$189.00
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得
最快於 星期五, 1月 3 取得


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    產品保固:如需此產品的保固資訊,請 按一下這裡


    Fitbit Charge 5 進階健身與健康追蹤器,內建 GPS、壓力管理工具、睡眠追蹤、24/7 心率等等,黑色/石墨,單一尺寸(含 S 號和 L 號手環)



    Price Availability


    Fitbit Charge 5 + Premium 連接您的活動、睡眠和壓力之間的點,因此您可以為您的身體、思想和健康做出最佳決定。 這一切都始於您的 6 個月高級會員資格和每日準備,這是基於活動、睡眠和心率變異性 (HRV) 的分數,可幫助您優化鍛煉程序。 您始終有動力通過數百種引導式鍛煉、令人耳目一新的正念課程畫廊以及您熟悉和喜愛的健身功能,例如 Active Zone Minutes 和內建 GPS。 Fitbit 是 Google 系列的一部分。 需要將 Fitbit 應用程式與相容的 iPhone 或 Android 裝置一起使用。 將需要 Google 帳戶。


    4 顆星 (最高 5 顆星)
    31,788 個全球評分


    A nice step up for the Charge series
    4 星等 (最高 5 星等)
    A nice step up for the Charge series
    UPDATE May 2022: I'm still a big fan of this product and have made a few updates to my initial review(s), but the bottom line is that it's held up to initial impressions. I ended up knocking off a star just because there are a few improvements that can be made, but it's still very solid.==============================I purchased the Fitbit Charge 5 as an upgrade from my Charge 3. I skipped the Charge 4 since I didn't really need/want the new features of that model, but the allure of a color display with the same lengthy, weeklong battery life was enough to make me upgrade to the Charge 5. I won't cover all the features of the Charge 5 since there are plenty of other places that go into great detail, and I may update this review after I get more use out of it.WHO SHOULD BUY A FITBIT CHARGE?The Fitbit Charge is great if your primary use is as a lightweight fitness tracker. I prefer the Fitbit Charge over the Apple Watch and other smartwatches due to its lightweight nature, weeklong battery life, and my lack of need for fancier smartwatch functionality. If you like the extra bells & whistles of a smartwatch and don't mind a heavier watch that needs to be charged every day or three, then you may want to skip the Fitbit Charge. Also, if you're a die-hard Apple user who needs integration with the Apple Health app, then you'll also need to look elsewhere because there's no data flowing between the apps in either direction; thankfully, the Fitbit app is quite good and does integrate with a number of other apps.IS IT WORTH UPGRADING FROM THE CHARGE 3/4?It mainly depends on how much you value a better, color display. The MSRP on a Charge 5 is $180 (though, I'm sure the sale price will drop during the holiday season), while the MSRP on a Charge 4 is $150; though, at this point, everyone's selling the Charge 4 (and 3) well below MSRP, especially if you buy refurbished.IMPRESSIONS:- Initial setup was fairly smooth. I had to connect it to the charger to get it started up. Transitioning from my Charge 3 to the Charge 5 in the app was easy enough. There was a firmware update notice (the firmware enables the EDA sensor), and that update was a little buggy & required a few attempts before it succeeded (at one point, I needed to reboot my Fitbit).- ECG monitor became available via firmware update 11/9/2021. I had some connection issues while trying to run it but got it to work eventually. I don't have any arrhythmia issues, so while it's a nifty feature, it's ultimately useless for me.- The Daily Readiness Score also became available 11/9/2021. It's only available for Premium subscribers. It takes 4 days before it starts functioning & a couple weeks to "tune". Overall, I'd say this is not terribly useful. If you work out on a consistent basis & get a decent amount of sleep, then it's always a great day to work out! That is, you'll remain in the Good to Excellent range (30 & above). For reference, I typically work out 4-5 days/week spending 30-40 min on cardio & 30-40 min on weights, which ends up being 110-160 Zone Minutes on those days when combined with whatever other Zone Minutes I rack up when not working out. But if you take a week off or so & return to working out, then you may dip below 30 into the Low score range where it says you should prioritize recovery. I also noticed that if you forget to wear your Fitbit to bed, it can throw off your score; it sent my score plummeting for no good reason otherwise. Also, perhaps not surprisingly, the Readiness Score seems to be primarily reflective of your cardio workout. It will classify my "Activity" as "Light" on some days when I spend a fair amount of time on weight training that doesn't really sustain an elevated heart rate (and less on cardio).- There's no longer a "home" button on the side of the display to "Return" or access additional menus. This took a little time to adjust to, but I'm generally okay with it, especially since the touchscreen is noticeably more responsive than the Charge 3. Now, you must swipe right to return to the prior screen, and you can also double-tap in most cases to return to the home screen; though, the double-tap can be finicky. Would I prefer to have a "home" button again? Yes. (Now, the sides of the device used for the EDA sensor & ECG monitor).- The display is much, much better than the Charge 3/4. Brighter with much higher resolution. and of course, color.- The display has 3 brightness settings; however, the difference between dim, normal, and max is rather subtle; they're all pretty bright, and this is unfortunate because it's a little too bright for dark rooms in my opinion. I liked the dim, auto, and normal settings on my Charge 3 much better. Hopefully, this is something that will be fixed in a future firmware update (assuming, the Charge 5 still has the sensor that allows for an "auto" setting).- The "up to 7 days" battery life is not a lie. The battery life lasts me about a week with my brightness set to "normal", which is the same as my old Charge 3. I do not use the built-in GPS nor the always-on display (both of which are a significant drains on the battery), but I do average 6-8 hours/week of active exercise time. And, since the "dim" brightness setting is bright enough for me, I use it all the time, which translates to even better battery life. Pretty amazing considering the brighter, color display.- The Charge 5 does a better job of automatically turning the display on at the turn of the wrist. My Charge 3 wouldn't always turn on or would require me to turn my wrist more than what felt natural. The Apple Watch is still superior with regard to automatically turning on when looking since there is a slight delay with the Charge 5 after turning your wrist (and, it still doesn't always turn on).- The wrist band that's included is a nicer feeling silicone material instead of the plastic one that came with the Charge 3/4. The "small" strap on the Charge 5 band is also smaller than the "small" on the Charge 3/4. On the Charge 5, I use the last or next to last notch on the band (i.e. the strap is basically at its largest, most expanded size), but with the Charge 3 strap, I still had 3 or 4 empty notches to work with. Not a big deal since they include small & large bands, but something to consider if you purchase additional bands. I did end up purchasing the Sport band, which does have more notches to work with. Be sure to use Fitbit's sizing tool on their website before purchasing extra wrist bands since they do vary based on which one you get.- The heart rate monitoring is nice & accurate like the Charge 3. I run on a treadmill with a Tickr X (1st gen) chest strap, and after the first few minutes of running when my heart rate is more stable, the readings between the Charge 5 & Tickr X are either the same or only off by a bpm or two. It's less accurate when doing sprints/HIIT since it tends to lag behind the Tickr X, but it's still in the ballpark (albeit, delayed).- The EDA sensor seems like a waste for me. Along the lines of the guided breathing exercises in the Charge 3, it's just something that I don't care to use, and I question its accuracy/validity anyway.- I'm not sure if this was introduced with the Charge 4, but there's a daily Stress Management Score now. The number seems fairly meaningless, since it's somewhat of a mystery as to how it's calculated. Yes, Fitbit tells you what the general parameters are (heart rate, sleep, activity) & premium members get to see how the sub-scores feed into the overall score (see below), but in the end, it just seems pretty meaningless to me.- I think this may have changed with the Charge 4, but it no longer tracks the number of floors you've climbed (no big deal as it was wildly inaccurate), and it counts Active Zone Minutes instead of Active Minutes now. Fitbit's website has more details on Active Minutes vs Active Zone minutes.- There's 23 clock faces to choose from. Most of them only display one stat (e.g. HR, steps, etc.) at a time (though, you can usually cycle through them all by tapping the screen), which is unfortunate. Hopefully, they'll add more data-rich clock faces, but overall, it's nice to see them making use of the colorful, higher resolution display.- The charging cable functions a lot better since it magnetically clips to the Fitbit (like an Apple Watch does to its charger). I believe it's the same charging cable as the Fitbit Luxe.- My Charge 5 somewhat regularly (once every day or two) has trouble syncing with the app. It has gotten better over time & usually just requires me to refresh the app (by dragging down at the top of the screen of the phone app). At worst, I'll need to restart the app, and once I had to restart my Fitbit device itself. Overall, not a big deal. Just an occasional annoyance.FITBIT PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP:I generally dislike paying for subscriptions since the cost of them can add up to something pretty substantial over time. The Fitbit Premium Membership isn't exactly cheap at $10/month or $80/year; though, you get 6 months for free with the purchase of your Charge 5. If you actually use many/all of its features, then it may be worthwhile, but for me, it isn't (i.e. I won't be paying for membership when my free trial runs out in a week or so). The Daily Readiness Score & Health Metrics Dashboard are the only premium features I routinely looked at, but I question their overall usefulness/practicality. Here's a rundown of what you get for your money:- Daily Readiness Score: see comments above in IMPRESSIONS section - in short, not terribly useful.- Health Metrics Dashboard (see attached pic): graphs/data for Breathing Rate, Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Skin Temperature, Oxygen Saturation (SpO2), Resting Heart Rate (RHR). The RHR data is already available for non-Premium users & you can view you most recent SpO2 reading on the device, but the rest of the stats appear to only be available to Premium members. The graphs are actually kinda crummy; there's two types: 1) one graph allows you to vary the time scale to view 7, 30, or 90 days, but you have to visually line up the dot with the values on the y-axis to determine the actual reading for each dot, and 2) another type of graph shows 7 days at a time with individual readings on the graph, but you can't change the time frame/scale of this graph. It would be a lot nicer if they made these graphs larger & interactive (so you could change the time scale on the fly & tap on the data points to see the reading).- Wellness Report: You can generate a PDF wellness report to be emailed. While it provides a summary of HR, weight, activity, & sleep trends over the course of 1, 3, 6, & 12 months, it's lame that you can't just view this directly in the app.- Stress Management Score details (see attached pic): extra details on your score including the sub-scores that feed into it: Responsiveness, Exertion Balance, & Sleep Patterns.... still not sure how meaningful any of this is.- Sleep Score details (see attached pic): there's a different detailed view of your sleep score; you get sub-scores for Time Asleep, Deep and REM, and Restoration, but I believe all the graphs are the same for non-premium users, so I'm not sure that this offers much more insight that the non-premium view does; I suppose you get to see how much each sub-score accounts for the overall score.- Instructional stuff: There are various workout routines, guided meditations, food programs, & sleep programs you can look up & do.- Games & Challenges: You can participate in various fitness games/challenges, which might motivate you to work out more.Overall, I think the Charge 5 is a nice upgrade from my beloved Charge 3, and for me, it was worth paying the extra bucks.


    • 於 2023年8月1日在美國發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      UPDATE: 2/22/24. Well, my Charge 5 died. Just died. Had it just over 6 months. I was really pleased with this Charge 5 every single day I have had it, and I wore it every single day and night, then it acted a little wonky a couple days ago, then the next day (today) it just fully died. Was fully charged (holds charge forever) but showed nothing. Had a white line then went all black. Cant get it to do anything, even when plugged in. RIP :(
      Keeping my review the same. I am once again so disappointed. As per my review I happened to have purchased an Inspire 3 at same time, so I am currently charging that up. Will see if I keep with it or shop around. Please Fitbit.. do better.

      For stuff like this, I sort by "most recent reviews". I did that and saw all the negatives, but I still went with it, and I will tell you why. I simply like the brand overall despite some frustrations and wasting of money, haha.

      I think buying a Fitbit product is taking a risk. I am still reticent to move to another brand because I havent found one I really like, and I almost never like the apps. I simply havent been impressed enough to want to make a change. I have been gifted or borrowed other brands, and I still come back to fitbit. So I just view Fitbit as a throw away item that is sure to crapp out within 2 years. Not sure if it is the product or my body chemistry as my husband STILL uses his Fitbit Blaze from late 2015 to this day. ME? I went through 2 Blazes, and several others in the same time period.

      I have been using Fitbit nearly exclusively for 9 years straight. I have had the early model "fitbit" (whatever it was before HR came on the scene. circa 2014), then the first Fitbit Charge, Blaze (2 of them!), Versa 2, Sense, and then very recently I went backwards to the Inspire 3 and this Charge 5, simultaneously. I bought them both as the combined price was less than one smartwatch.

      I decided that I really didnt take advantage of all the features of the smartwatch, and so when my Sense crappped out exactly 2 years, I decided to go with a more basic model. I hemmed and hawed between the Inspire 3 and Charge 5.

      For my detailed review of the Inspire 3, 
      here is a link to my review . They are both very similar (Inspire 3 needs to have phone for GPS tracking, and although it says that the Inspire 3 does NOT have ECG app for AFIB detection, it does. Sorta. "while it can't take an ECG like the more expensive Fitbit Charge 5 or newer smartwatches, it will monitor your heart rate and alert you if it detects an irregular heart rhythm"). Then size difference. But that is about it.

      IF you are looking to "compare and contrast" then scroll halfway down the product description page and you will see that they list a slew of other Fitbit models to compare it to. On this product page they dont show the Inspire 3. If you want to compare this Charge 5 to the Inspire 3, then go to the Inspire 3 produc page and scroll down half way to see the models they compare it to. The Charge 5 is one of them.

      The battery life on this is good. Seems to hold true to the weeklong battery life. I have my watch face set to needing to be tapped/pressed rather than wrist flick, which I imagine can impact battery life, as well as other nuances. But as is it lasts all week.

      Image is very clear. Looks great. Nice bright clear colors and lettering/numbers. Can change watch face in app.

      Larger face than the Inspire 3, but smaller than the smartwatches. I think the size of face is perfect for me. Loaded with info to easily see.

      Scroll up, down, left, right for all the information you could possibly want.

      Steps seem accurate enough. I find that if anything it undercounts, which is fine. I just adjust my goal. But it is close (thats the other thing with Fitbit, i find the step counts to be pretty accurate compared to other brand names I have used).

      Has the button to pop the wristband on and off. The Inspire 3 has the pin style which I dont care for. Wish they would list this type of details.

      Overall I really like it, and am pleased with the Charge 5. It has all that I need, and at a price point that is much more reasonable over the smartwatches-- I really dont use the features on those, so why buy them?

      I WILL update if I experience anything worth sharing. I had gone back to my Sense review to update when it officially "died". I didnt change rating, but I figured it was good info to know.

      THE ONLY THING I DONT LIKE, which isnt Charge 5 specific, bit just toward Fitbit as a whole:
      There was a time when you could have more than one Fitbit linked to your app. NOW, in order to have one, you have to take off the other. I bought the Inspire 3 and Charge 5 at the same time with expectation that I could have both in use depending on which I felt like wearing and to compare them. So I initially used the Inspire 3 for a couple of weeks then deleted it off the app in order to try out this Charge 5. In order to switch back I have to delete the Charge 5. Its annoying. Since I prefer the Charge 5, I will either tuck the Inspire 3 away for use when this inevitably crapps out, or just give it away.
    • 於 2021年10月3日在美國發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Charge 5 is working great ever since I turned off the GPS. Battery lasts at least 8-9 days. Everything else is working great.

      Amazon replaced the Charge 5. 10/26/2021.
      I am hoping all is well now. I still love the features and product. However, Fitbit Customer support is atrocious unlike the amazing customer service from Amazon. .

      11/01/2021 Update.
      The new tracker still can't track distance accurately. I am not sure if it is due to the forested mountain trail or my jacket & gloves covering the tracker or a combination. The distance is off by 2 miles reporting 6+ to 7+ miles on a four mile trail. Otherwise it seems to be fine. I might as well just accept things as they are. But if you are a hiker and want to get accurate information about your hike, better hike in open dessert in the summer. Disappointed!
      I am very; active hiking and resistance training. (Weights). The old trackers did fairly well counting my steps during my hikes. But were close to worthless when it came to my weight training or even doing abdominal's. The charge 5 tracks everything.
      The screen is so easy to read. Very simple to navigate through all the modes.
      I am very pleased with it.
      But only had it a few days, so time will tell.

      2 weeks later....

      I still love the features but the device is full of glitches. I assume software glitches.
      I hike the exact same trail up the mountain and back three times a week. Each hike the Charge 5 is reporting different mileage. The difference is significant over 0ne mile and sometimes two miles off.
      It has gone dead apparently or else I died for one hour twice at the time I went to sleep, one hour later it starts to register a heartbeat and record my sleep.
      I have called Fitbit twice, got the old we will get back with you via email with instructions. No email.

      I would recommend waiting till they get the bugs out of the software before buying a Charge 5.

      No I am not going to send mine back, my old Charge 3 died a few days before I bought the Charge 5. So I will bite the bullet and hope they remedy the issues soon.

      October 24th .....

      It died or I did again for 35 minutes last night when I went to sleep. Called Fitbit was given the run around. Finally I was told again that they would contact me via email with instructions.
      I am sure that they know they have a problem but don't want to admit it. Probably working on a fix. So stalling for time. It is also tracking my hikes inconsistently reporting varying distances even though I am always hiking the exact same mountain trail and have been doing it now for 14 years consistently.


    • Slady Coy
      5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Satisfecha
      於 2024年11月14日在墨西哥發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Era un regalo para mi esposo y lo amo! Nunca se lo quita.
      5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Excelente e muito preciso
      於 2023年4月11日在巴西發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Diferente das pulseiras "chinesas" a Fitbit está acima em qualidade, com aferições biométricas e de exercícios muito mais precisas e coerentes.
    • Stefan Strandberg
      5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Bra klocka
      於 2024年12月3日在瑞典發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Bra klocka
    • Client d'Amazon
      5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Sav
      於 2024年11月24日在法國發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Mon bracelet ne fonctionne plus, je appel fitbit, garantie terminé, depuis 1 an, cela ne fait rien il prenne en charge, je renvoi le lundi, et je reçois un nouveau bracelet le vendredi, bravo fitbit et merci
    • Silvia
      5.0 顆星,最高 5 顆星 Muy contenta
      於 2024年10月19日在西班牙發表評論
      顏色: 石墨/黑色Amazon 驗證購買
      Perfecta para muñecas no muy grandes como la mía. Con la app y la pulsera tienes muchas información muy útil sobre tu salud, puedes leer los WhatsApps y hacer pagos. Super completa.